Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Monday, July 30th, 2012

The Hubby and I watched a movie last night (no, that’s not a major news flash!).  We had thought about seeing it when it came out, but like so many movies, we decided for it to come out on cable instead of plunking out the cash.  The title of this cinematic endeavor?  In Time.  Starring Justin Timberlake.

Now, say what you want about his singing (I’m sure I like some of his stuff, but I’m not a Timberlake fanatic), but he’s pretty interesting to watch on-screen.  I do have to say my most favorite place to watch him is Saturday Night Live.  He and Jimmy Fallon do a great Bee Gees skit (it has me laughing even as I think about it, much less watch it.  Note to self – find on YouTube and watch today during one of my “breaks.”).

But this was a pretty good movie.  The basic premise is that we are engineered to live until age 26.  At age 25, your counter lights up, notifying you of every second you have left to live.  Time becomes the method of exchange. No one wants to work for money; they work for more time.  And, as you can guess, the rich get richer and the poor, well, they get dead.

I don’t want to give too much away – after all, you are going to run out and watch it now that I’ve given it such a glowing review, right?  But it brings up some interesting points.  Justin Timberlake’s character has almost always been so broke that he’s only had one day to live, but somehow he’s lived three years on that one day, finding ways to make ends meet and getting just a little more time to live.  When he is asked: “What have we got?”  he says: “A day. You can do a lot in a day.”  And the girl he meets is rich but unhappy: “Do I really want to spend my life trying not to die by mistake?”

And how weird it would be to see how much time you had left, down to the second.  I’m almost sure I don’t want to know that much about my death – I think I’d be thinking about it so much I would pay attention to what’s in front of me.  I have enough distractions already without having the biggest one of all staring me in the face.


It reminds me of the other movie about time we watched sometime in the last six months or so, Timer.  When implanted in a person’s wrist, a TiMER counts down to the day the wearer finds true love. But Oona O’Leary faces the rare dilemma of a blank TiMER. Her soul mate – whoever and wherever he is – has yet to have a TiMER implanted. Staring down the barrel of thirty and tired of waiting for her would-be life partner to get off the dime, Oona breaks her own rules and falls for Mikey, a charming and inappropriately young supermarket clerk with a countdown of four months. (stolen borrowed from This was a pretty good movie, too.


Now, it’s time for me to get motivated.  I have a book to finish and send on its way to the author, and two more on my plate for this week.  Although I just realized the dental cleaning I thought was today is really for next week (yay!), so I’ve got that going for me!

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A Funny Thing Happened On the Way…

Monday, June 25th, 2012

So, I only went through 6 or 7 tissues for the funeral service.  Not bad.  I got to sit in back of the room, hidden by a room divider, so I never made eye contact with anyone talking.  That probably saved me another 4 or 5 tissues.  My aunt gave a nice remembrance of her sister, and my cousin read what his dad had written about his wife (which was pretty cool – he remembered the exact day he met my aunt and recalled that he gave her a beer {he was 21 and she was 18} and she thanked him but never drank it).

As we left for the cemetery- according to my brother, who says he saw it- there was a squirrel on the edge of the road, just watching the whole procession go by.

But the funny thing that happened was this.  Well, actually, before I tell you that, you need to know that it rained here this morning.  Not just rained, but poured.  And lightning and thundered.  It was like this:

{but louder}


It had kind of stopped during the service and there wasn’t any rain for the burial.  But it was still a little cloudy.  Until the minister said, “Let the light of her smile…”, at which point, this happened:

The sunshine came through.


Just like her smile and love.

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I’m On Fire

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Well, figuratively, anyway.   This is the most posting I’ve done in months!

On another “fire” note, I picked up a Kindle Fire a few days ago (which may or may not explain why I haven’t posted for a few days).  I’m not sure I’m in love with it, but I am in serious like with it.  It is kind of cool to have a Kindle paired up with the internet.  But there are a few things Amazon needs to fix, or at least I think there are (and really, that’s all that matters to me – my own wonderful little thoughts).

They have this “carousel” of your most recently active items.  So, say for instance I was reading Sex Goddess (not that I would have such a thing,  or have thought about any such book being in existence).   And  my mother happened to look at my Kindle.   She would now see the graphic, full color, hot guy-hot gal cover.   And die of embarrassment.  Wait – maybe that’d be me dying of embarrassment.  Either way – not good.  Or maybe the last book I read I didn’t like and now I have to look at it until I do another four things, like check my Facebook, check my GoodReads, check out the local Patch articles, or something equally important.

There is a “shelf” under this carousel for your favorite apps.  I’d like to be able to move those shelves up on top of the carousel, but you can’t.  And it looks like the stuff moves around on the shelves instead of staying where you put them.  What kind of shelves are these?  ‘Cause I don’t want them in my house. Can you imagine:

“Dear, where are the glasses?”

“They should be on the first shelf.”

“The first shelf has the salad plates and the deep bowls – no glasses.”

“Damn.  They must have moved themselves into the next shelf over.”

Really?  Where does it work this way? Nowhere but the Kindle Fire, apparently.

They did kind of screw up on the design.  They put the power button at the bottom of the device.  Yes, it is a BUTTON.  At the BOTTOM of the device.   You know, where one’s hands may be holding it.  And continually bumping into said power button.  But, all is not lost.  You just need to turn it around and the screen rotates and the viola! the power button is up top and out of harm’s way.

But the most annoying (non)feature is the categorization feature.  Meaning, there is none.  Now, in my Kindle 3G I can download a book and put it into a book collection (also known as a category – like Unread (currently 130 books), Romance (currently around 150 books read), Science Fiction and Fantasy (currently around 100 books read)…. you get the idea).  But this new, fancy, current, up-to-date, awesome piece of technology – nope.  No book collections.  No book shelves to put different books on.  Just go ahead and scroll through those 600 books – we’re sure you’re going to find what you are looking for – eventually.  Once you get the search party together.

Gotta run – the search party is back to stock up on vittles and take a break from looking for my next reading adventure.


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Friday, November 19th, 2010

The only thing you can count on is change.

The Hubby is now employed.  He’s back to traveling, which he (mostly) missed.  He’s energized, he’s excited, he has a purpose.

The Boy is doing well in his Senior Year of high school.  He’s back to ECA, which means academic courses at OHS in the morning, and then he drives himself to ECA for his theater classes.  He’s gotten really great feedback from his instructors there.  He is still working and still dating The Girlfriend.

I have quit my job.  I haven’t stopped working at it yet, but I have quit it.  I am waiting for the guys to get some interviews done and select a person that they feel will work out.  I am getting a bit frustrated with it… from my perspective it’s taking forever!  It’s been over 5 weeks since I told them and it feels like there’s no end in sight.

On the bright side, I am making headway with my chocolate plans.  I did a craft fair a few weeks ago and have some plans for selling online/via email for Christmas.  (If you are interested, check out

Maybe with the end of The Job, I will be able to get back in the habit of writing here more often.  I hope so, anyway!

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August Already

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

It’s hard to believe it’s August already!

The Boy got a job for the summer (and probably for schooltime as well) at St*ples.  He’s having a great time with it.  He now has the funds to pay for his own gas and, once he has his debt paid off to the parents for the accident, he will contribute towards his car insurance as well.  Plus he spends his own money on video games, entertainment, dates with The Girlfriend, etc.

The Hubby is working hard, too.  He had a line review with a prospective customer last month and will hopefully be hearing about the results soon.  He’s hoping it all works out and he can keep working his business… but if not, it’s back to looking for a “real” job  (you know, a 9 to 5 jig).

I am trying to relax for this month.   September and October will be challenging… back to school, church events, and (hopefully) chocolate making adventures will be filling my time and energy.

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The only thing you can count on…

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

is change.  And the past few months have been leading up to some serious changes in our household.

The Hubby is no longer employed.

The Hubby is now a business owner.  And so am I.  (But, I am also employed… I was just lucky enough to snag this new position in addition to my current duties of watching General Hospital, eating bon-bons and writing bad poetry a part time job, volunteer work at church, mother, wife and prospective chocolate maker. )

What seemed like a big problem now seems like a big opportunity.  The Hubby is more energized, more engaged in his work, and generally happier.  (Happy Hubby = Happy Home).

The Hubby now works out of the home office.  The home office used to be my office where he occasionally visited and turned on his super old and super loud desktop computer – you know, to turn it on and update it so he could turn it back off for the next six months.  But now it is OUR office – him on his side and me on mine.  It’s kind of nice to have someone around – after five years of working by myself I now have an office-mate.  The only issue we have is the phone – we can’t be on calls at the same time.  So that sometimes means one of us puts off a call or takes it downstairs so we can each hear our own conversations.

I’ll keep you updated on how well these changes go over the long term….

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today’s spam message

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Why are square meals served on round plates?

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Spam… gotta love spam

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

I’m not talking the canned meat here…

here is one of the spam comments on this blog today:

Do chickens think rubber humans are funny?

My guess would be, yes, chickens DO think rubber humans are funny.  And maybe someday (not today… too cold and too much snow) I will ask my mother’s chickens if they want a good laugh and show them a rubber human…then I will know for sure if chickens think rubber humans are funny.

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Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

knock, knock… anyone there???  Seems my dedicated readership of two has dwindled to none.



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No body puts baby in a corner…

Monday, September 14th, 2009

One of my most favorite movies is Dirty Dancing (1987).  When it came out on video (remember VHS?), I was working at a video rental store (remember when you went to small, locally owned video stores?  Yeah, I worked at one of those).  The biggest perk of the job (other than watching movies AT work) was getting advance copies of movies.  After all, the owner theorized, how could his employees recommend a movie if they hadn’t seen it?

So there I was, in college, working part time at the video store and The Fiancee (now starring as The Hubby) was on the West Coast on a temporary assignment.  So I had tons of time to watch movies.  I think I watched Dirty Dancing twice a day for a week.  I could quote it, scene by scene.  The only thing I couldn’t do is the dance moves.  “Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don’t go into yours, you don’t go into mine. You gotta hold the frame.”


Steel Dawn

Road House

Next of Kin


Point Break

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

Forever Lulu


And now Patrick Swayze is gone.  At age 57, pancreatic cancer won out.

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