And It Begins Again

It’s that time of year again – back to school.  The Boy is firmly ensconced in the dorm, with only one item he “forgot” to bring (a rug, which is really pretty good considering he could have forgotten his pillows and blankets – AGAIN).  He got to move in early as he is a Facilitator.  Basically, he helps out the freshman class get around campus and learn about the school.

His dorm is in the middle of campus this year, so he’s right in the thick of things.  There’s no parking lot in front of his building, but other than that, it is a much nicer setup compared with last year.  He’s got a room to himself, with two other guys next door, and a shared bathroom with three other guys on the other side of him.  He and some friends signed up together, so he’s pretty happy with the arrangement.  His GF is one floor below him, so it makes hanging out with her easy.

And I am proud to note that I hardly cried.  I teared up a bit when he hugged me goodbye and then The Hubby had me crying as we drove away.  He’s awesome that way.

I hope your back to school experiences go well this year, whether it’s a first timer going off to kindergarten or a seasoned middle schooler ready to rule the school.

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