Joining the Throng

Well, I’ve done it.  I’ve gone and gotten myself a twitter account.  Because, as you know, I have all the time in the world – nothing to do but get lost in tweets and new links and funny photos…all in 140 characters or less.  I’ve done such a bang up job with this here blog that surely another time-suck is called for.

Anyway, if you are inclined, you can follow me at @FaithProofing.  I picked that because 1) it’s my name and 2) it’s what I do.  I thought about using my company name, but as you are limited to 15 characters (and those characters count in a tweet/re-tweet), shorter is better.  So of course, I pushed the limits – right up to 13 characters.  That’s lucky, right – 13 is an okay number?  (Please reassure me that it’s okay that I picked a username with 13 characters, but you will have to do so in some mind-meld fashion as I have comments turned off.) But using Atwater in there REALLY pushed it to the 15 character limit and although it would get my company name out there, I want to be myself, not my company.  (They are the same thing, but you know what I mean – I am not trying to ram my company down my follower’s throats…or tweets, as the case may be.)

And speaking of followers, I have some.  A few.  Well, two.  But I love them!  They found me the first hour I was on Twitter.  Of course, I made it easy for them by responding to one of their tweets, but still…they were kind enough to follow me.  Now the pressure is on.  Be funny, informative, helpful, insightful…but concise.  And isn’t that the watchword of this blog?  Concise.


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