The only thing you can count on…

is change.  And the past few months have been leading up to some serious changes in our household.

The Hubby is no longer employed.

The Hubby is now a business owner.  And so am I.  (But, I am also employed… I was just lucky enough to snag this new position in addition to my current duties of watching General Hospital, eating bon-bons and writing bad poetry a part time job, volunteer work at church, mother, wife and prospective chocolate maker. )

What seemed like a big problem now seems like a big opportunity.  The Hubby is more energized, more engaged in his work, and generally happier.  (Happy Hubby = Happy Home).

The Hubby now works out of the home office.  The home office used to be my office where he occasionally visited and turned on his super old and super loud desktop computer – you know, to turn it on and update it so he could turn it back off for the next six months.  But now it is OUR office – him on his side and me on mine.  It’s kind of nice to have someone around – after five years of working by myself I now have an office-mate.  The only issue we have is the phone – we can’t be on calls at the same time.  So that sometimes means one of us puts off a call or takes it downstairs so we can each hear our own conversations.

I’ll keep you updated on how well these changes go over the long term….

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