Last Day, First Day

So today is the last day of 2011 and tomorrow will be the first day of 2012.

We have our traditions, The Hubby and I.  And one of them is to spend the last day of the year and the first day of the year watching the Twilight Zone marathon (what, did you think I was going to say we did something mystical?).  The first episode this morning was one of those make-a-deal-with-the-devil-and-live-to-regret-it ones.  I’m not really sure I’d seen this one, or if I have, I haven’t seen it very often.  Episodes like that could make one all philosophical, starting to ponder the mysteries of life, the gifts of love and sacrifice, and what is really important in the world.  Or, it just could be a solid thirty minutes of entertainment.  The beauty is – you get to choose.

We recently saw The Adjustment Bureau on cable.  I’d wanted to see it at the movies, but never got around to it.  It’s a pretty good movie, but again it can lead to some philosophical introspection … or just a hour and half or so of solid entertainment.  But part of the argument in  the movie is that while we have free will to choose our breakfast cereal, we (as a species) don’t deserve or take our free will (and the consequences thereof) seriously enough, so the Adjustment Bureau is there to keep us “on the right path.”  You start thinking about fate, destiny, chance and just what the hell does it all mean.

Deep thoughts, people, deep thoughts.


Then again, it could just be entertainment….


Happy New Year’s to all of my dedicated readers….wherever you are (and I guess you haven’t become dedicated readers yet, so this one is for you to find years from now).

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