Freedom Day

Today is Freedom Day.  Not freedom from taxation, but something almost as good.

Freedom from Braces.  The Boy is Free From His Braces.


It seems soooo loooonnnngggg ago he got them on.  It was three or four decades years ago, when he was just a cute little pre-teen.  And now, he’s a full fledged teen, complete with straight teeth.

How we both hated going to those appointments.  He hated wearing the rubber bands (which might explain why it took soooo looooonnnnnggggg to be done with them).  I hated seeing the rubber bands everywhere – the tv room, the bedroom floor, the bathroom, the laundry.

But today, he is FREE.

And to make the day even sweeter, he got to drive to the appointment by himself.  Yes, world, The Boy has his drivers license.  Ordinarily, a parent might be tempted to tell the world to watch out for their new driver, implying this new driver has no skills and ought to be locked up instead of allowed to drive.  You will hear no such thing from this parent.  My kid went to Drivers Ed.  My kid drove with a licensed instructor for four hours, practicing onramps, traffic flow, parking, backing up, etc.  My kid drove ME everywhere (but not crazy) while he had his permit.  He GOT UP all by himself for school just so he could drive in while he had his permit.  He was willing to go almost anywhere so he could practice driving.

He took his test and passed on the first try – no repeat of the test needed.

And off he went.  He’s been going to friend’s houses, The Girlfriend’s house, school, the store … he even picked up dinner for me and The Hubby a few times.

Freedom is freakin’ awesome!

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